Marinella Cellai

Volunteer Caregiver in Oncology and Palliative Care, Founder of the Project “Città della Vita” (Italy)

My wishful thinking is that Religions, based on their capability to reach large communities and highly diverisified classes, may prove a powerful channel to spread the “culture” of palliative care for elderly people. In particular, Religions may support  extensive information about the benefits of palliative care and the right of receiving them  for a better quality of life and a better quality of death. Religions may also work beautifully in schools and colleges in order to promote at all ages palliative care principles.   My idea is that this workshop and the Charter may generate a cultural change in two directions.On one side elderly people and their families will hopefully be aware of the  rights they deserve.  On the other side those doctors  still reluctant to  request simultaneous palliative care consultancy for their patients,might change their attitude. I think that such results will depend upon the degree of awareness of the Charter that will be achieved though extensive promotion all over the world.


Every older person with chronic or incurable illness has the right to receive Palliative Care.

The goal of Palliative Care is to take care of the person in totality even when there is no longer a cure. This care foresees a team of different and diverse professional figures: doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, social and religious assistants helping patients and their families.

Palliative Care is not a palliative.

Together we have the opportunity to spread the meaning and the profound value of Palliative Care and sensitize every country so that it may become an integral part of every national healthcare system.